Tactical / Combat Information Center (CIC)
The CIC is the brains of the ship and is the primary posting for the ship's Commanding Officer (CO) and Executive Officer (XO). Nearly all communications and information are routed through this area for a number of reasons. Primary Damage Control is located in this room, as well. The Tactical Officer, along with comms and navigation specialists, work out of the CIC to ensure the combat readiness of the entire ship. While most full-size Battlestars have large CIC's to accommodate control of fleet-sized maneuvers, the Kharon's is much more compact. Weapons and Fire Control are actually located in a room joined just Aft of the CIC, also.
Available Positions:
- Tactical Officer – The Tactical Officer, or TACCO, is the primary officer that handles details of wartime operations. While the CO and XO are the Department Heads and lead tacticians, the TACCO works closely with the CAG and Marine CO to plan any and all operations. During peacetime, the officer still works with both Department Heads as well as the Kharon’s CO and XO to ensure ship security and logistical support. Tactical Officers are responsible for a wide range of duties, from watchkeeping duties on the bridge or CIC to navigation and bringing together all the information gained from the ratings on watch to make informed tactical decisions, acting as the CO's representative while on duty. Tactical Officers may specialize in such diverse fields as communications and ciphers, surveying, detection systems, and navigation.
- Communications Technicians – These members of Tactical handle incoming and outgoing communications with the fleet, airborne assets, and ground forces. They are also proficient at repairing and operating these CIC systems in a way that many others may not know how to.
- Navigation Specialists - These members of Tactical ‘drive’ the ship. While there isn’t a big glass window to look out, they handle astral navigation charts and plot jumps while still operating and monitoring all FTL, engine and navigation systems. They are also proficient at repairing and operating these CIC systems in a way that many others may not know how to. Navigation Systems Operators are enlisted ratings and are also responsible for monitoring local visibility and space conditions, keeping charts updated, and identifying potential hazards or hiding places for enemy craft.
- Countermeasures Specialists - These members of Tactical are the computer gurus. They are essentially professional hackers who deal with all electronic emissions – both incoming and outgoing. Not just handling that during peacetime, during combat operations these crew members jam enemy DRADIS systems and do their best to spoil enemy firing solutions and gun systems. They are also proficient at repairing and operating these systems in a way that many others may not know how to. ECM Technicians are enlisted ratings who also operate the DRADIS systems to inform the command staff with a picture of all the other ships, navigational hazards, and small craft, in the area at any one time.